New Virus Discovered Having Anti-Cancer Properties

Yesterday I had shared with you “The prosthetic hand (bionichand) with sensory feedback”. Today I am going to share with you one of the great invention in medical science which was a big worry for doctors from a long time (“The cancer”).

New virus-hunts kills cancer cells

Finally, the Canadian researchers claim to have made a radical discovery in medicine and namely in cancer treatment. Doctors at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute have got inspiring results while testing on patients a virus that hunts down and treats cancer. An intravenous injection allowed the JX-594 virus to spread in the bloodstream and infect tumor cells in the body, leaving healthy tissue unharmed.

Normal cell vs cancer cell

The institute’s cancer scientist, Dr. John Bell said that “in six out of the eight patients given the highest doses, the tumors stopped or shrived growing. The 23 patients on trial had advanced cancers that no longer responded to existing treatments but the treatment was otherwise well tolerated.

New virus kills cancer 01

Professor Nick Lemoine rom the Cancer Research UK says, “This new study is important because it demonstrates that a virus previously used safely to vaccinate against smallpox can now be modified to reach cancers through the bloodstream – even after cancer has spread widely through the patient’s body.”

However beside the above given revolutions I want to add some facts and figures. First of all there are 200 different types of known cancers that affect humans. Approximately 5 to 10% cancers can be directly damage genes or combine with existing cells to cause cancer and 90 to 95% can be caused by the environmental diseases.

I hope scientists, in near future, will find such a virus that can get rid of all the types of cancers.

To about more innovations stay tuned to CooL Stack

Image courtesy to iStockPhoto/Henrik


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