Human Body - A visual guide

Most of the people in the world which are not related to medical field don’t know much about the organization, action and maintenance of human body. This book is really an incredible visual guide which covers all the structural parts of the human body.

The author has divided this book into 3 parts as:
1. Organization
2. Action
3. Maintenance

In the first part of the book the starts by elaborating the life style of different tribes. After that the organization of the cells, organs, skin, hair, instructions and multiplications etc. are defines with their visual impacts.

The second part of this book shows the actions performed by different parts of our body. In this portion the author very well show and describe the actions and structure of our skulls, joints, muscles, hands and reflexes. All basic senses are also described in this portion. Moreover the he also described how our body language varies by our modes.

The last part of this book represents the maintenance of our body as it shows the blood, its circulation in our body and how heart pump our blood to make it possible to reach different parts of our body. You will also see the treatment and spare parts at the end of this book.
If you want to read the full book you can free download it from the below link:

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